Call the bookstore, or order one online. (Though I don't know that these will show up on our website any time soon, so if you send an email, ask for "Brad's calendar." That should work. I know people.)

This was going to be my submission for the staff calendar at the bookstore, but they got so many wonderful, colorful submissions that I withdrew my little pencil sketch to put it in my own calendar. This coming February will make the Bicentennial of the great man's birth. Could not be more excited by that news.

Ended up, I really enjoyed his book of rather cool photographs. Then there's the fact that Moby is -- still -- adorable.

I love her. Have done since I first read Cranford. Great biography of her by the great Jenny Uglow.

China Mieville came to do an event at the store. Not my kind of novelist, obviously. Then I saw the guy. Then I heard that British accent. Sold.

So, just a selection then, from the new calendar. Get 'em while they last, people.
Finally, a big thanks to the very good people at Ave Copy Center, just down the street. This year's calendar looks even better than the last one they made me, They gave me a great price, fabulous service, and even a sturdy box in which to lug the things back to the store. Special thanks to Sasha.
And thanks to everyone for the encouragement and support of my little effort to date. Means a lot.
you seem wonderfully cool, sir! I sense that I could learn a lot from you - Ritu Paliwal
ReplyDeleteYou are too kind. I'm sure the same might be said of you, had I the opportunity to know you better. Thanks for this.