Sunday, May 31, 2020

On Cutting the Hair

Daily Dose

From How to Keep Your Cool: Am Ancient Guide to Anger Management, by Seneca, translated by James Romm


"It's clear in the case of the rich, the nobility, and office holders that whenever something light and empty arises in the mind, it gathers momentum like a ship in a favorable breeze."

From page 41

Saturday, May 30, 2020

The Peonies

Daily Dose

From A Little History of Poetry, by John Carey


"Of all world-famous poets none is less likely to appeal to the modern reader than Dante Alighieri (c. 1265 - 1321)."

From Chapter 5, Continental Masters of the Middle Ages: Dante, Daniel, Petrarch, Villon

Friday, May 29, 2020

A Caricature

Daily Dose

From Washington's End: The Final Years and Forgotten Struggle, by Jonathan Horn


"According to family lore, Lawrence's recently deceased mother had appeared 'so strikingly like her brother (Grandpa)' that soldiers would have obeyed her orders had she donned 'a military hat on her head.'"

From Chapter 29, Guardianship

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Clerihew for a Big Schoolboy


Edoardo Albinati,
Clever, skinny, and spotty,
Found they could be cruel
In The Catholic School.

Daily Dose

From That One Should Disdain Hardships: The Teachings of a Roman Stoic, by Musonius Rufus, translated by Cora E. Lutz


"You will earn the respect of all men if you begin by earning the respect of yourself."

From Fragments, 30 Musonius

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Another Clerihew for a Troubled Couple


Arthur Rimbaud
Lit the flambeau.
Verlaine's response?
"More absinthe."

Daily Dose

From Journey by Moonlight, by Antal Szerb, translated by Julie Orringer


"All she knew was that she had saved money. She hadn't gone here, and she hadn't gone there, and she hadn't done this, and she hadn't done that, so that she wouldn't have to spend money. But what she had actually done apart from that was mysterious, dreamlike..."

From Chapter XII

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Clerihew of Domestic Bliss


"How's your boyfriend treating you?
Is he still beating you?"
"Can't complain,"
Says Verlaine.

Daily Dose

From The Queen's Necklace, by Antal Szerb, translated by Len Rix


"The times we live in teach literary people like myself to look beyond our usual subjects and seek fresh inspiration in history."

First line of the author's Preface.

Monday, May 25, 2020

A poem by Robert Creeley

Daily Dose

From Kabbalah and Criticism, by Harold Bloom


"'Influence' is an ambivalent word to use in any discourse about literature, for 'influence' is as complex a trope as language affords."

From The Necessity of Misreading

Sunday, May 24, 2020

My Avatar Is Hairier Than Yours

Daily Dose

From The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Vol. 1, by Edward Gibbon


"It may be remarked that man in the only animal which can live and multiply in every country from the equator to the poles. The hog seems to approach the nearest to our species in that privilege."

From Footnote 13, Chapter IX