My rating: 2 of 5 stars
Here's a funny idea: a slim volume of verse from... John Milton. Really? Paradise Lost in 50 pages? But this little book isn't meant to be anything like a representative selection of Milton's poetry. This is more a tract, tracing the trajectory of Milton's life and faith in as small a space -- including Dore illustrations and notes -- as possible. You know what? It actually works remarkably well. Etchells' selection seems apt, her brief introduction, and the introductions to each of the poems she uses, actually form a clear and very simple narrative through what is, after all, and despite Milton's piety, not the least complicated spiritual journey in English literature.
It can be hard for the modern reader to get much purchase on Milton's poetry outside a classroom. (Certainly has been for me.) Though I am not a sympathetic reader for a book of spiritual instruction, even one as short as this, what this little book is then for me at least is a way into Milton's mind and faith, and thus into his poetry, which is what matters to me as a reader of English literature. The selections from Paradise Lost alone, with the brief supporting matter, make this purchase worth the price.
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