I was born and raised in a small town. That's why I don't live in one. Dear Ms. T., a.k.a. the Work-Wife, is an athletic, outdoorsy sort, and she and the legitimate husband spend a fair share of their leisure hours cycling hither and yon through nature; taking in the sights, camping, fishing, etc. Now and again, dear T. has to curse at the occasional murderous local in a pick-up truck when forced off the road, but generally speaking, she and the legitimate husband have a lovely time on the bike.
A bike trip of almost unimaginable length and complexity is planned for the end of September. I've been shown the route, which seems to involve going to British Columbia, Canada and then cycling up and down and around there for many days without ever reaching a luxury hotel, a bookstore or a good French dinner. I can't understand it. Never the less, they will doubtlessly have a grand time of it, and return with breathtaking photographs of every sort of natural wonder. This is what lovely, fit people do. (Personally, my favorite shots are always of the legitimate husband in his nice bicycling pants, but, again, I've never really quite gotten into the spirit of this kind of thing. I'd be just as happy seeing similar snapshots if they were only taken in the backyard. Good looking fellow, the legitimate husband. That's just me of course, but then, my own husband quite agrees.)
On the itinerary for the upcoming jaunt, among other dots on the map, it would seem that the cyclists will be putting in for the night at some point in a little town called Salmo, BC. For some reason -- and I really don't quite know why -- this name just tickled me. Couldn't get it out of my head. Naturally enough, I started ribbing dear T., just the littlest bit, about her exciting planned vacation in Salmo, BC. Dear J., a.k.a. the Work-Husband, looked the place up online and I must say, it does look charming, and really quite a beauty spot. See for yourselves at the official Salmo, BC website. Not my idea of a destination, but I should think just the sort of thing dear T. loves, what with all the lovely trees and streams and things.
I was inspired to start a little series of doodles, not you understand to do with the real Salmo, BC, but rather with the Salmo, BC that the name conjured up for me; a small Canadian village -- population 1000 and change -- not unlike the slightly larger town back in Pennsylvania where I came to manhood some time in the last century. Well, having produced one doodle on the subject of the Salmo, BC as seen only in my twisted little mind, I'm afraid I went a little mad and just kept thinking of other possible attractions in such a little place. I shared these doodles with dear T. of course, and others at the bookstore and eventually, I'm pretty sure, drove poor T. nearly to distraction with them.
I thought before I shared them here, I'd better give fair warning that I really know nothing of the real Salmo, BC. As I've said, I'm sure it's heaven. So really, consider all that follows as something like a visit to the small town in which I hope never to find myself overnight, in Canada, the U. S., or anywhere else for that matter.
Meanwhile, I'm pretty sure dearest T. and the legitimate husband will have a great trip. They certainly deserve no less.
See ya in Salmo!
Okay, we're packed and ready to peddle to Salmo. Hope we don't miss the library book drive or Betty's yard art. Maybe we won't have to ride over that ski hill! Should be pulling into this great town on Thursday. Thanks for the encouragement, Brad. We'll say "hello" to the Boughmans for you.
Make sure you honk, or in your case ring the bike-bell, when you pull in at Ammo & Rocks. We want you both safely back when you're done riding around in the wilderness, darling.